Sunday, December 16, 2012

On a plane again

It's 10.19 local time at Dubai Airport and the engines begin to wind up. My eye is feeling a little better as thankfully the drops are relieving it. I would have loved to look around in the shops at the airport but it was nice just walking and looking too. Burger King was a good lunch, although we will get lunch on the plane in a few hours.

This is the second leg of the journey. In some ways I was more comfortable on this leg but the pain in my legs was intense. I had nothing strong than paracetomol either. Alli told me later my face was ashen. We had a bit more room on this leg so I was able to putty feet up a bit. This plane was older but there was a bit more room on this one. Dozed off at one stage but someone dropped their bag on me getting it out of the overhead luggage rack. I thought we'd crashed so it was the better option.

Dar es Salaam airport. Oh my God. What can I say. It was far worse than even Denpassar Airport from over 30 years ago. It was reasonably clean but so disorganised. Nothing in lines, you could go through some aisles but only partway and then you had to leave your bags go through the scanner whilst walking the long way around. The people were so friendly and this too was in direct opposition to what I'd seen in Bali. Not a machine gun in sight and people were happy to help. Signage was sparse and air conditioning was the natural kind. Awaiting out bags at the carousel was incredibly hot. Not a breath of air.

Alli and I drank a Kilimanjaro Beer. It was quite nice but the bottle was huge. It was a 500ml beer. We couldn't even finish and then our flight was ready to board. It was a twin engine propellered plane. The flight was 40 mins long. We arrived at Kilimanjaro airport and then were greeted by a bus who drove us to the house.

By this point I was just shattered. So so weary and I could barely keep my eyes open as the dust and wind was making them worse.

Dinner was ready at the house. Rice and beef. Fruit for dessert. I fell asleep so quickly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 3

Location:Dubai Airport

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